Collaborations and Partnerships
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Just Roots
电子游戏靠谱注册 has been working collaboratively with this local farm since 2016 to connect patients to healthy food. For two years our two organizations worked together on a research project around diet quality and access to farm shares. 不良的饮食质量是发病率和死亡率过高的主要原因,比任何其他风险因素造成的死亡人数都多, and over 10% of all disability-adjusted life years in the US. Improving diet quality is a public health priority and a key goal of chronic disease prevention efforts. Further, 美国人口在饮食质量上存在显著差异,社会经济地位较低的群体往往饮食质量较差,并承担不成比例的饮食相关疾病负担. Despite progress in improving overall diet quality in the last decades, socioeconomic disparities in diet quality have increased. 该研究试图确定补贴的CSA份额是否可以改善饮食相关疾病高危人群的饮食质量. The results of the study were favorable and ever since 电子游戏靠谱注册 has maintained its relationship with Just Roots, 向感兴趣的患者提供快速冷冻的农场水果和蔬菜样品部分,以及如何获得农场股票折扣以及使用SNAP福利购买的信息.
Community Action
Community Action has been a long time valued community collaborator. 电子游戏靠谱注册最近的一个项目是与社区行动和人类发展中心的合作,称为青年接触伙伴关系, 寻求促进创伤知情转诊,并在社区和临床护理环境中提供卫生公平指导. 该项目提出了一项雄心勃勃的行动计划,以改善电子游戏靠谱注册靠谱的电子游戏注册内的环境,以便对青年和年轻人的健康和福祉产生积极影响, particularly for LGBQ, transgender, and gender nonconforming patients. Training for our providers has centered on trauma-informed, culturally sensitive practices, policies, and physical spaces. 从这种伙伴关系中获得的经验被用来提高电子游戏靠谱注册对医疗保健中无意识和隐性偏见的认识,并创造有意义的社会变革.
Opioid Task Force
The CONNECT Project will provide post-opioid overdose rapid response services within 72 hours, 使用以证据为基础的区域中心和辐条模式来应对富兰克林县和北夸宾地区30个城镇地区的致命和非致命过量用药, in the only federally-designated rural county in Massachusetts. CONNECT has seven goals: 1) provide real-time assistance to individuals who survived or witnessed an opioid overdose (e.g. family, community members); 2) make in-person follow-up visits, within 72 hours, to individuals who survived or witnessed an opioid overdose to assess health and social needs; 3) deliver comprehensive evidence-based care (e.g. case management, peer support, trauma-informed practices) to connect individuals to pharmacotherapy (e.g. methadone, buprenorphine, naltrexone), community-based services and recovery supports; 4) use “warm handoffs” to ensure opioid overdose survivors and witnesses navigate care across systems; 5) expand naloxone availability and appropriate use by first responders and community bystanders focusing on naloxone deserts; 6) establish a database to track CONNECT participants for care coordination and continuous quality improvement; and 7) conduct trainings on protections for “Good Samaritans” (e.g. 在阿片类药物过量期间提供协助的人员,并制定芬太尼和其他合法/非法阿片类药物暴露的安全规程. 电子游戏靠谱注册 plans to provide an embedded CHW on this team to serve as a bridge to health center services, including navigating health insurance coverage.
Franklin County Sheriff’s Office
电子游戏靠谱注册 has collaborated with the Franklin County Sheriff’s Office since 2014. 社区卫生个案工作者为被判刑的个人提供支持,帮助他们处理复杂的卫生保健和保险问题. 在最近两年中,电子游戏靠谱注册通过一个项目扩大了这种合作,该项目使设施中的嵌入式社区卫生工作者(CHW)能够每天与客户一起工作,指导注册服务和申请医疗保险. 卫生靠谱的电子游戏注册还可为患者的阿片类药物治疗医疗需求提供连续性护理,如纳曲酮(维维特罗)和丁丙诺啡/纳洛酮(苏博松)。, and to help assure a seamless transition of services to 电子游戏靠谱注册 post-release if clients chose to continue treatment.
Baystate Franklin Medical Center
The Baystate Franklin Medical Center is a critical community partner for hospital services, 然而,电子游戏靠谱注册还共同开展了一个独特的开创性项目,以增加获得紧急牙科服务的机会,并努力将牙科急诊从提供护理费用高得多的医院急诊室转移出去, and the outcomes ineffective at preventing future dental pain and suffering. This project has been about getting the right care, from the right people, in the right place, and to reduce prescriptions for antibiotics and pain relievers. In collaboration with hospital emergency department staff, 电子游戏靠谱注册口腔卫生保健提供者努力确保所有走进医院大门的人都有机会接受诊断, 稳定和明确治疗迫切的口腔健康需求,以及全面的疾病管理和口腔健康的预防性干预. 该网站通过消除障碍和增加获得机会来促进全面口腔保健的途径,以应对重大的人口健康危机. In the three years since its inception, 该网站被认为是国家一级的最佳实践,也是马萨诸塞大学发表的白皮书的主题.
Behavioral Health Network
Another valued behavioral health partner, BHN and 电子游戏靠谱注册 are about to embark on a co-location within 电子游戏靠谱注册’s newest facility in Orange, MA, opening in fall/early winter 2021. Overseen by Dr. Ruth Potee, BHN Medical Director for Addiction Services, and in collaboration with 电子游戏靠谱注册, BHN每年将为居住在马萨诸塞州北Quabbin地区(Athol/Orange及周边社区)的150人提供综合初级保健行为健康服务,并在目前25英里范围内不提供美沙酮治疗的社区中,通过门诊治疗计划(OTP)立即获得美沙酮治疗. 鉴于非法芬太尼混入马萨诸塞州街头非法销售的海洛因和可卡因的数量显著增加,在当地获取美沙酮是一项迫切需要. This gap in services creates a severe burden for high-risk, high-need persons who experience significant inequity in conditions impacting employment and educational opportunities, transportation, access to health services, support systems, and low-income status. Strong evidence supports the efficacy of Medication Assisted Treatment (MAT) in treating persons with opioid use disorders, and particularly Methadone for persons exposed to Fentanyl.
Center for Human Development
“Better Together” is the motto we embrace in the Greenfield Center for Wellness, the building that is home to our two organizations. CHD has been a long term partner for behavioral health services, however the renovation of 102 Main Street and new co-location in 2018 brought our collaboration around primary care, oral health, and behavioral health to new and improved levels. Over the last three years we have worked to solidify our model of coordinated care and services, shared care plans, 每个组织的提供者之间的例行会议和病例会诊,以确保患者得到尽可能多的加强和支持,以实现他们的医疗保健目标.